This is a list of the top players of a game from GameTap. Kind of similar to the stats that are maintained by steam. The only issue is that those numbers are a little large – after all there’s only 744 hours in a 31 day month. It’s not actually a good piece of information to be displaying – 2032 hours is almost 3 *solid* months of gaming. If you flip over to another game you see 10274 hours – which is 428 days. These stats are kind of scary.
The total number of hours this month for may: 1053020, Number of sessions: 10376 which is 101.5 hours per session for the month of may. Assuming that a session is one launch -> termination of the game this is a really insanely long time.
I question the veracity of the statistics.
Anyone got any World of Warcraft stats?